Friday, July 29, 2011

In Ohio

Today consisted of one thing: driving. 'Nuff said.
At least we got here! We're in Cleveland now, and we're going to Cedar Point at nine.
Also: I know the schedule doesn't quite look like how it was supposed to originally. Erin went to the hospital for some sickness, ended up getting a biopsy, and thankfully doesn't have cancer. Here's a quote from her Facebook: "Here's the short story. Swollen lymph nodes, sore ear, can't chew or swallow. Saw my Dr,Dentist,PA, Orthodontist, ER Dr in Chicago... after looking at a CT scan of the soft tissue in my neck...He said it was more than likely I had Lymphoma! Not good! Saw two ENT's the next day who agreed and said I needed a biopsy! Put me under... breathing tube ..the whole deal. Removed a node from my neck and did some tests. Not cancer...whew!!! Seven doctors and they still are not sure what it is. Best guess so far Histoplasmosis!? Better be good cause I'm going to have a three inch scar on the front of my neck!".
We're blessed!!!


  1. It took us 2+ hours to get out of Chicago which added to the driving time on back streets, etc.

  2. Great news on the to help Erin enjoy her vacation.
