Thursday, July 28, 2011

End Of Adventure Day Two

Today was really busy!!!! We finally did our expedition into the heart of Chicago. It was fantastic!!! Comparing downtown slc to this just isn't fair. The city was *enormous*. Seriously, it seemed like thirty times the size of SLC. We went to the pier, saw the loop, walked all the way along it's length, saw a giant park with a metal bean, went to the top of Sears tower, and took the train. I managed to buy some crappy souvenirs, and some fudge! We ate fantastic pier "seafood" for dinner, and didn't see one street hot dog vendor. :(
Overall, an excellent day to be us!!!


  1. Fun hearing about your trip downtown via the train. Fun googling the Sears Tower and learning more about its history and recent name change. I thought it was older.

  2. Super excellent for me because Papa arrived safely at 1am after driving 1700 miles in 36 hours to be part of the party.
